Satisfied clients can relax knowing help is always available.
Marianne – Adelaide Metro / Country user
Fantastic product, I encourage all my friends and relatives,
I work in the travel industry and due to the hours involved can find myself on the road traveling early morning or late at night long distance, I always ensure my LWA-SOS unit is easily accessible as you never know when something may happen. It is reassuring to know that although I travel alone - I am never alone ! with the professional Incident Response Centre always available to assist me "at the push of the button"
I would like to thank Richard and the team @ Personal Guardian for giving me a greater feeling of self assurance and security...
Recently I attended a large concert followed by late night function at the Entertainment Centre in the city. My husband dropped me outside the large venue with the intention of meeting up with friends to attend the concert etc....carrying my LWA-SOS alert unit was the best feeling, just knowing that someone was always only a push button away if I needed help .....
I caught up with my friends, attended the concert followed by the late night "cocktail after party" what a fantastic night however what topped my night off was the fact that I could call my husband direct from the LWA-SOS unit with one of the option "call buttons" without having to as on previous occasions find my phone in my hand bag, look through the phone for the phone number, all while feeling very vulnerable in the city "alone". I called him to let him know I had finished & my location .... while waiting outside, I would like to say again, I felt extremely comfortable and self assured that the 24/7 emergency call centre was just a push of SOS button away should anything happen until he arrived...
Thanks again Richard I truly am thankful.
Louise – Adelaide Metro
I work at a capital city airport and have been using a Lone Worker device for over 12 months.
I work shifts that require me to walk from the staff car park and back at all times of the night and day. This is quite a distance and can take at least 10 minutes. At 4.00 o’clock in the morning or 10 o’clock at night this trip can be quite daunting and as a female I feel particularly vulnerable.
I always have my SOS unit turned on and handy before starting out. Knowing that I have professional assistance at the push of a button makes this walk much easier.
I also use my SOS day to day or when travelling. It’s not just for work, it can be and is used at all times.
I would not hesitate to recommend Lone Worker Australia and their solutions to anyone working by themselves in any environment.
Julie – Mobile Home Care Nursing, Northern Metropolitan
I would just like to thank the guys & girls at Personal Guardian for giving me back confidence while working alone and doing what I love doing (taking care or people).
I work in the home care nursing area of health services & last year had an experience that shook me up a prevented me from working my normal duties for some time.... I now carry a LWA-SOS personal alert with me and feel safe and confident that I can "push the button" and summon help or assistance whenever or wherever I am.
The staff in the Response Centre are extremely helpful and professional no matter what time of the day I need help.
Thanks again, keep up the good work.
Terry – Animal Control Team, LGA QLD
Just a quick note to thank you for assisting us with my elderly mothers insistence in staying in her own home... You have given us a 2nd option to a "retirement village / care facility".
Unfortunately mother is getting on and not so steady on her feet anymore, although we thought the only option was a care facility.... the LWA SnD unit you supplied and she now holds gives her and more importantly us, confidence that if she should fall over or feel unwell she can summon assistance from the Response Centre immediately.
Mother activated the unit in error last week & the professional staff in the response centre were fantastic.... very calm & re-assuring to her... all is well.
Thanks again